lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015



Por la presente os informamos que una entidad de Polonia está buscando jóvenes entre 18 y 30 años para hacer un Servicio Voluntario Europeo (SVE) en Milicz, Polonia por un periodo de 12 meses, empezará en Septiembre 2015.
El SVE es una acción del programa ERASMUS+ que cubre una buena parte de los gastos de Desplazamiento (según distancia en Km) , y el 100% del alojamiento, comida, formación lingüística, transporte local…

Los candidatos deben mandar su carta de Motivación lo antes posible, y su CV en inglés usando el formulario ONLINE que adjuntamos mas abajo.
antes del 18/08/2015 a las 13.00 y su CV en inglés.

El candidato seleccionado tendrá que participar en una formación obligatoria y presencial en Málaga el día 20 de Agosto.

Si quieres saber más de esta y otras acciones del programa Erasmus Plus puedes escribirnos a

Place: Milicz, 56-300, Lower Silesian region, close to Wroclaw, Poland
Project description:
The project “Creativity plus soft skills as a key to success not only in a whole life but also at a labour market” is going to be realized in municipality of Milicz also most of the activities will take place there. It is a small city ocuppied by 15 000 citizens located in the Lower Silesian region in Poland.
Volunteers will live in 3 or 4 rooms flats with kitchen and bathroom, every volunteer have separated room. Our flats are located near to work places. Every flat have wifi connection.
For local transport coordinator supply volunteer with bike.
According to the project volunteer will work in one of four host organisations:

1. Fundacja KOM- foundation Kreatywny Obiekt Multifunkcyjny,
Main tasks and responsibilities:
During work, volunteer have to help in organizing and management workshops for kids, organizing games indoors and outdoors or preparing city games.

2.Association of Disabled Children- one of the largest associations which helps disabled in Poland-
Volunteer will work in Workshops of Occupational Therapy centre, there volunteer will be active involved in:
– gardening workshops,
– social development workshops
– plastic workshops
– home management workshops
– carpentry workshops
– tailoring workshops.
Main taks during that is to help disabled people and help coordinators in teaching.

3. Swimming pool and school club-room, according to volunteers preferences we allow to choose where volunteer would like to work more.
Main tasks there are the same- helping teachers in organizing classes and workshops. In booth volunteers are free to inplement their own ideas and games.

4. Highschools in Milicz.
Volunteer during week will be responsible for preparing and organizing lessons in schools.
According to Erasmus+ voluneer will work not more than 30 hours per week.
Every volunteer will receive 85EUR/ month of pocket money, travel is reimbursement to budget different for every country.
About project:
The project “Creativity plus soft skills as a key to success not only in a whole life but also at a labour market” will be realised in a small city which is placed far away from academic and cultural centres. Characterized by no work places, small chance to find an interesting job and good quality for spending free time. That is why the main object of our project is based on teaching, first of all young and disabled people, seniors, also all local community, ways for spending time creatively and effectively related to their aspirations and possibilities in their lives. EVS volunteers and the persons who they will be working with, have to develop their creativity skills, adaptation ability in every life and professional situation without loosing the happiness and satisfaction of life. This general object we want to achieve trough:
a) learning process of mainly using formal and non formal education methods, soft skills useful in every kind of life situations
b) developing their creativity and innovative approach to the problems, professional and life situations
c) practical integration exercises which make you more active for mentioned groups, mainly with EVS volunteers: work with disabled people and youngsters from high schools, and children in KOM.
The innovation of methodology will be used by modern methods and techniques of learning, and developing creativity. Related to this KOM (Creative Multifunctional Object) absorbs the big field of opportunities, specialized in organisation of creative activities for children, youngsters and youth from all over Lower Silesia Region.
As usual we will be working by formal and non formal education methods based on practices, experience and students activity and also by fulfilling pointed tasks and practical actions. Implementing the rule “Tell me, I’ll forget, show me, I’ll remember, let me take part in it then I’ll understand” . We create closer and better partnership relationships student – teacher. It is less official but aims for cooperation and activity for both sides. “Teacher” not only passes the knowledge but he is also a supervisor and guide. The learning process is elastic and adjusted to the needs of student. He decides by himself about the form and direction of learning process. Non formal education demands engage, activity and awareness of student. Volunteers all together will decide significantly about the form of their volunteery service in all fields where it will be possible without changing the aims which are going to be realised during the project. They will be our equal laws partners.


  • 1. Improving and elaborating new methods of work, learning techniques, dealing with problems related to EVS volunteers and main target groups – seniors, youngsters and kids.

  • 2. Making all people involved in the process – volunteers, disabled people, seniors and students. Make them aware of the fact that the most number of the barriers starts in your mind. Referring to this it is going to be overcame and overstepped. The happy life has nothing common with accident but it is made of hard and systematic work according to our predispositions and properly selected direction of development.

  • 3. Increasing knowledge, professional, social, culture and language experience all of our partners (organisations and volunteers) it will also increase potential among local community of municipality of Milicz as a natural receiver results of the project and it’s external beneficiary.

  • 4. All participants soft skills improvement.

a) self-realization and objectively better quality of life thanks to unique experiences, skills and knowledge gained during implementation of the project for all of the participants.
b) amplification of international potential of organisation
c) creation of relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

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